"We cannot make good news out of bad practice".
~Edward R. Murrow

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Special Visit

A couple of weeks ago now my Mom and Jan visited me in Anchorage. It was a pleasure having them around. It was kind of hectic at times, with all of the things we wanted to see and do. Unfortunately I don't have paid vacation at the station yet so I only had one day off, abutted with my weekend, for their visit. 

These slideshows show some of the things we saw and did, including but not limited to: a train ride, sightseeing along the Seward Highway, a trip to Girdwood, seeing a moose UP CLOSE and VERY personal, the tram up Mt. Alyeska, a glacier tour, Portage's Wildlife Conservatory, a trip to Moose's Tooth, and a turkey dinner(!!).

I've been pretty busy socially lately so I've been neglecting the blog. I'm sorry!! I want to devote more time to it so that I can keep you all updated with my goings-on. I have a ton more pictures that I want to post, and several topics of conversation that I want to write about. One in particular that I want to write about, but know that I'm not able to get into it for probably some time. 

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