"We cannot make good news out of bad practice".
~Edward R. Murrow

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Fourth of July, everyone!! Thank you to all of our soldiers, home and abroad, for risking everything for our freedom. Your sacrifices are the reason why our nation is what it is today. And of course, thank you to their families, oft quietly resilient in the shadows of their soldier(s).


I'm headed to work soon, and then off to Seward, about two and a half hours away, to play in a softball tournament this weekend. My first one as a member of the co-ed team that I am on. Should be a lot of fun! My accommodations down there will be a campsite to be determined...

I am, yet again, falling behind on subjects I want to post about. I'll get to everything eventually. Expect some new photos up soon, especially ones from my softball extravaganza! 

The photos here are from a sunset several days ago. The weather here has been really cloudy and kinda crummy lately. We've had only two nice days in the past two weeks or so. And I believe it's going to be rainy off and on throughout the weekend.

I have plenty of things to post about, but if there is anything that you, the reader, would like for me to talk about, please leave a comment with your suggestion and I'll do my best to write about it. 

Temperature update: 55 degrees and mostly cloudy in Anchorage; 49 degrees and cloudy in Seward.

Alaska trivia: today is the 81st running of the Mt. Marathon race. A pretty spectacular and ridiculous race...


Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn
Just wanted to check in and say hi! Sounds like things are going pretty well! Take care of yourself and we miss you in the Eastern time zone :)

Mom said...

Are you EVER going to update this blog????????????????????