"We cannot make good news out of bad practice".
~Edward R. Murrow

Sunday, July 27, 2008

To my faithful readers...

...my apologies for not being as faithful a writer. 

And my apologies for the haphazard posts earlier today. They were an attempt to have something up online to appease persons back home, as my recent bloggings have been few and very far between.

It's almost 12:30a at the moment and I'm reflecting a little bit on the past few weeks that I've had. 

I have not had much alone time recently and tonight has been very nice. Instead of continuing to edit weddings (sorry T/K), I decided I would feel better about myself to just sit and veg a bit. I watched some Dateline, KTUU 10p news, and then of course, Seinfeld. Love that show... 

Now I'm sipping on a martini feeling guilty for not writing a "real" post on my blog. Thanks to this weekend, I finally feel like I'm getting back into the groove of life here in Alaska. The past couple of months have been filled with traveling and hosting. Now that things have calmed down a bit, and that it's been a couple of weeks of rearranging my life back to comfort, I feel more inclined to write. 

Now all I need to do is hit the gym again. Haven't done that in at least two months...and I hate that! 

...especially since I was having to suck it in for my alterations yesterday of the bridesmaid dress for Kristy's wedding.  Oh my goodness, I cannot believe it is almost here!!! I am so excited to see Kristy and Justin finally get married...it's wonderful!! After 11 years they are finally getting married. And it's going to be AWESOME. Kristy, you are going to look so beautiful!! I can't wait to see you again - it is going to be so much fun!!  :)

I know in recent posts I've talked about playing on a couple of softball teams. Several weeks ago, I played in a softball tournament in Seward, which is about two, two and half hours away from Anchorage. Luckily a friend of mine was able to attend a couple of games, and took some pictures. I know I'm not in great form, nor am I in any type of "good" shape to be playing again, but it still feels good to be out on a diamond again. It has been so long. And even though it isn't fast pitch softball, slow pitch is a good time. I've discovered that I have long left my fast pitch competitive days behind me and now I'm sincerely playing for the true fun of the game. Wow. It feels really good, and it's exciting. I don't care if we win or lose, and about 98% of the time I have no idea what the score is. I'm just out there hootin' and hollerin' havin' fun...oh yah, and drinkin' beer, too. There's a lot of beer drinkin' in slow pitch softball, for those of you who didn't know....Doug, you know what I'm talkin' about. Although you wouldn't believe it: here there's no rule that if you strike out you owe the team a 30 rack. Come to find out (a couple of months ago actually) they don't SELL 30 racks here in Alaska!! The biggest they come is 24!!!! Unbelievable!! They're jippin' you outta 6 beers at the same price for a 30!! 

...welcome to Alaska...

I think this is all I got for now...there's more I want to talk about, but I'm tired and my mahtini is gone...how'd that happen?!?!?!  

Don't forget to check out our photographers' blog at work. A week or two ago there was an hilarious incident involving myself and this trucker who let go of a load of gravel out on the Glenn Highway, stopping traffic for two hours. He was pissed that I was shooting video of his truck...and he let me know it too!! The raw video of what he said/did is on that website and boy did he make a fool of himself...I just kept on rolling the whole time.

I miss you all!

Temperature update: 51 degrees and crappy out.

On a Saturday

Last weekend I went for a nice walk along the Coastal Trail. Here are some of the pictures that I took. It was a relaxing way to spend a Saturday afternoon, especially since it was sunny for part of the day and we have not had many of those this summer!! 

I ended my day by heading to Point Woronzof for the sunset. It was so beautiful!

A Special Visit

A couple of weeks ago now my Mom and Jan visited me in Anchorage. It was a pleasure having them around. It was kind of hectic at times, with all of the things we wanted to see and do. Unfortunately I don't have paid vacation at the station yet so I only had one day off, abutted with my weekend, for their visit. 

These slideshows show some of the things we saw and did, including but not limited to: a train ride, sightseeing along the Seward Highway, a trip to Girdwood, seeing a moose UP CLOSE and VERY personal, the tram up Mt. Alyeska, a glacier tour, Portage's Wildlife Conservatory, a trip to Moose's Tooth, and a turkey dinner(!!).

I've been pretty busy socially lately so I've been neglecting the blog. I'm sorry!! I want to devote more time to it so that I can keep you all updated with my goings-on. I have a ton more pictures that I want to post, and several topics of conversation that I want to write about. One in particular that I want to write about, but know that I'm not able to get into it for probably some time. 

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Fourth of July, everyone!! Thank you to all of our soldiers, home and abroad, for risking everything for our freedom. Your sacrifices are the reason why our nation is what it is today. And of course, thank you to their families, oft quietly resilient in the shadows of their soldier(s).


I'm headed to work soon, and then off to Seward, about two and a half hours away, to play in a softball tournament this weekend. My first one as a member of the co-ed team that I am on. Should be a lot of fun! My accommodations down there will be a campsite to be determined...

I am, yet again, falling behind on subjects I want to post about. I'll get to everything eventually. Expect some new photos up soon, especially ones from my softball extravaganza! 

The photos here are from a sunset several days ago. The weather here has been really cloudy and kinda crummy lately. We've had only two nice days in the past two weeks or so. And I believe it's going to be rainy off and on throughout the weekend.

I have plenty of things to post about, but if there is anything that you, the reader, would like for me to talk about, please leave a comment with your suggestion and I'll do my best to write about it. 

Temperature update: 55 degrees and mostly cloudy in Anchorage; 49 degrees and cloudy in Seward.

Alaska trivia: today is the 81st running of the Mt. Marathon race. A pretty spectacular and ridiculous race...