"We cannot make good news out of bad practice".
~Edward R. Murrow

Sunday, June 29, 2008

April 1st, Postlude

As I stated in my post about being back home, I was fortunate enough to see some former high school classmates while out at Jamie's. J.R., Dan and Zac.

Seeing them was awesome. Being around people back home, many of whom I've known for much of my life, was such a great feeling considering lately I've only been around people who are just meeting me and getting to know me for the first time. It gave me a sense of "home". 

When I first saw J.R. I immediately began to wonder how he was doing. To my surprise, as soon as we made eye contact, he came over to me to say hello. What he then said shocked and humbled me. He had read my blog post from April 1st. When later Dan showed up, he made a similar motion. They thanked me for what I wrote. I politely replied with a bashful "your welcome" and "thank you". 

But I want it to be known that I deserve no thanks. 

It is Adam. It is who he was as a person, and it is who he is now, in spirit and remembrance. 

A life lived too short, and perhaps misunderstood...?  I don't know. Maybe no one does. What I do know is that Adam was, and is still, cherished by many and loved by more. 

Adam's sister, Michelle, came across the April 1st post and replied with a comment. I had no idea that her comment was made on it, as it was made well after the initial post. J.R and Dan also commented. If I hadn't chatted with J.R. that night at Jamie's, who knows how long it would have taken me to see that people were responding to that post. One of Michelle's comments directs me here. I encourage people who knew Adam to check out that link, and if so compelled, jot down your thoughts. I'm sure it probably means a good deal to the loved ones, family and friends, who know Adam. 

Michelle, if it's ok with you, I'd like to add that link to my list of links on my blog. If/when you read this, please let me know your thoughts.



While beginning to sort through my thousands of pictures and uploading some albums to the web, I realized that I hadn't blogged here about my trip to Seward, with reporter Rebecca Palsha, to cover a story about our Alaska military fishing for halibut. 

Click here to read the post I wrote for our photographers blog at the station, and to view the story. 

After I finish sorting through all of these pictures, I'll have all the elements needed to continue on with new, fresh posts.  Stay tuned!

Temperature update: 56 degrees and cloudy...and mostly dark, in Anchorage.
Alaska trivia: the Alaska state flower is the Forget-me-not

Sunday, June 22, 2008

brought to my attention:

I'm finding out that many of you are awaiting a new post...I am too!!

Since my last posting, I've been work, work, working. Last Monday I get in to work after my first full weekend working at the station (different beast on the weekends!!), and it is decided to send a crew out to Denali National Park to cover a story about two hikers who have been missing since that Friday. Denali is about a four hour drive away, and I am given about half an hour to get all of my gear together and to run home to pack an overnight bag. I really don't want to get into this whole story now, as I don't have the time to get into it at the moment, but the reporter, SAT truck operator and myself did not return to Anchorage until Thursday evening. 

And then on Friday a reporter, the same SAT truck operator from Denali, and myself were sent to Deshke Landing (just about two hours away), to cover a fishing story; not returning until about 8:30p. By the time I got out of work it was just about 10p, and of course I am on call, and of course there is some spot news happening. So just as I slip into my PJ's, I get a call to go to this missing child story on the other side of Midtown. When all was said and done I did not get home until about 11:45p that Friday night. 

Factor into the equation that I worked yesterday, today is my first day off in 9 days. Not a big deal in Red Sox land, but with being on the road so much and with the Denali missing hikers story such an intense story, I'm pooped. All that being said, I still have to make my way in to the station today to prepare for an overnight trip to Cordova tomorrow morning to cover the Supreme Court decision regarding the Exxon-Valdez oil spill. And I have a ton of editing to do for VVF, not to mention LAUNDRY.

I sincerely hope to have a good post up by the end of next week, about one or several of my crazy adventures lately. I also have other postings I'd like to talk about from my trip home.

Hope you're all well.

Happy Summer Solstice!!  Last night the sun set at approximately 11:45p and rose this morning at approximately 4:20a. I wanted to get up to Arctic Valley so that I could take a couple pictures of the "sunset", but ended up missing it. Bummah.

Temperature update: 52 degrees and rainy in Anchorage
Alaska trivia: average summer temperature of the Arctic Circle: 40 degrees
Emails to return: 15
Phone calls to make: 8
Projects to edit: 9

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sunset photos along the Seward Highway

These photos were taken a couple of weeks ago, along the Seward Highway, which is one of only two roads leading in or out of Anchorage. 

This particular sunset was at approximately 10:45p. 

The current sunset is at 11:38p and the sunrise is at 4:22a.


Several times now on my way to work I've come across a moose. I live in the Midtown section of Anchorage...the station, KTUU, is also located in the Midtown section of Anchorage. 

These moose just ramble along, crossing streets, highways and munching on tree leaves all over the municipality. It's the oddest thing, coming from an area of Massachusetts that doesn't have moose (I don't think??). I had never seen a moose before moving here, however since I've been here I've seen at least 6. One of them almost caused a couple of accidents as it was crossing the Seward Highway!! Crazy!!

Anyways, these pictures are from my most recent sighting, which occurred several weeks ago now. This is just one block away from the station...

a LITTLE behind...

My apologies to Jim's crew!

I have the pictures from our camping trip up online now (finally), and here they are...

For those of you who are not in the know, several weeks ago Jim kindly invited me along with a bunch of his friends to go camping in Hope, Alaska.  We had a blast!! We BBQ'd some good food, drank some alcoholic beverages, threw the baseball around, and hiked down to the water of Turnagain Arm (that's the name of it, right guys?).  

Anyways, we all had a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to next year's trip. This group of people are hilarious to be around!! Just so much fun, non-judgemental, very chill. I enjoy their company very much. 

I have so much to write, and so many pictures to share. I've been so crazy busy the past three weeks or so and I've really gotten behind with posting - so expect a splurge of blog updates this coming week...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

in search of normalcy

I am sitting on my second of three flights back "home" to Anchorage and I am watching a lightning storm take place over Omaha, Nebraska. I see a magnificent bolt of red-orange lightning strike the ground, and am inspired to write. It is currently 7:55p at my next destination: Seattle. I won't be arriving in Alaska until almost 2:30 in the morning (Alaska time).

The trip back to Alaska for me has been one filled of great unrest. I re-read the book "The Tao of Pooh", hoping that it would put my mind and stress at ease. It has helped a bit, but I still feel so tense, jittery, distressed.

The trip home was stressful for me from the outset. What should have been approximately a 13 hour or so trip quickly became one that lasted more than 21 hours. From there on out I felt non-stop goings-on. I wish that I had more time to sit down with my Mom and talk about things person to person, face to face. The time we came closest to that was as I was trying to over-stuff my 77.5 pound, $150.00 surcharge suitcase, packing up summer clothes, books, my dvd and vcr players and Condorman. Packing did not last long and was not conducive to eye contact or deep conversation...and there was no wine involved, when there should've been. I think that if I were to have regrets about this trip home, not spending that quality time with my Mom would be the one.

Alyssa's wedding was absolutely wonderful. She looked more beautiful than I have ever seen her before. She was simply glowing all day. It was her day, and I am still just so genuinely happy for her. The day flew by; the ceremony was short and sweet. It literally brought tears to my eyes (they didn't fall!). The joyous occasion was shared by 146 wedding guests of Alyssa and Tim's choice and everyone seemed glad to be there and in good spirits for the occasion. 

I will never forget that day: June 7, 2008. I have tons of pictures from the wedding rehearsal and dinner, and from us bridesmaids getting our hair done at John Russell Studio (mad props to the ladies there, by the way - they were AWESOME and I think I speak for all of us when I say THANK YOU for your help!!)

I did not break out my camera at all during the rest of the wedding day, which for any of you who know me, is quite unusual. Instead of attempting to capture the moments, I was trying to live the moments. Something that I am not accustomed to and felt weird doing. At least a dozen times (until the alcohol took over), I was wishing there was someone right there getting "this" moment, or "that" moment. These little things that I saw around me going on. Until I watch the wedding footage, that Katie so kindly documented for us (thank you!!!!), and until I see the wedding proofs from the photographer, I will only have the memories and the emotions of those moments felt, to last and remember.

Leading up to the wedding day was emotional and stressful. Since my arrival in Alaska, I have noticed that it does not take much to make me happy. I stress very little and I enjoy every activity that I am able to partake in. I do not yet know what it is about being home again that caused so much stress and duress during my entire trip. As time goes on and I am able to reflect more upon the situation perhaps and answer will come to me.

But for now, I think it was the wide range of many emotions I was trying to tackle and handle happening all at once: being home for the first time in three months. I don't know when I will be back to Whitman again; my true home. My kid sister is getting married...for real. She is the first of us sisters to give herself to love. She is no longer a "Hall". She now has a husband. I now have a brother-in-law. New territory for me. I want to hang out with as many people as I possibly can while home...just not a possibility. Being at the wedding I was able to see many, many people all at once, which was wonderful. What a blur. That, and I did not do enough dancing...yes, I had had that much to drink to get me to the point where I was wanting to get on the dance floor...

The list of people that I was able to see (hope I don't miss anyone although I am sure that I will; my apologies in advance)...beginning, of course, with my family and our long-time family friends Loreen and Chris Walker, from England, who made the incredible trip to Whitman for Alyssa's wedding. From there I was able to see Suzy, Frank, Jeff, Janis, Rene, Maureen, Liz, Ashley, Kayla, Dennis Reagan, Bob Rooney, Edie and Jim, John, Laurie and Shawn, Warren, Dick and countless others of the Millie's persuasion. And then of course, there was the Video Visions crew. Doug, as always, so good to see you; you looked grand. Tim and kristy: bravo to such a booming business! I'm glad to know you both, as you both have good hearts, are a lot of fun, and have a great sense of humor. Thanks for lunch!! Also joining us at lunch was photog Mike...we had a good time! Elaine at Venus - you look great!! I can't wait to stop by and say hello again. At Jamie's, I was fortunate enough to see some classmates of mine, JR, Zac and Dan (whose sister also got married last weekend, congratulations Dan!). I'm glad that we were able to chat for a few minutes, and I will address that conversation in a future blog.

Moving on to wedding celebrations, I was able to spend time with the wedding party, and Tim's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simard. Thank you to Maureen and Moe for the rehearsal dinner at Bella's in Rockland. It was a wonderful time, the company was grand and the food was fantastic. Thank you so much! And of course it was wonderful to see all of the wedding guests on the big day. There are unfortunately way too many names for me to state here, but please know that our family was honored and derived great pleasure in your presence on such an important day in our lives. Thank you.

Before continuing on my rant of what it was like being back home again, I'd like to mention that I was honored that Alyssa had hasked me to speak at their wedding reception. At the bottom of this post you'll find the speech. I hope it makes sense enough to most of you. And i hope that what I was trying to convey about Alyssa and Tim's wedding occasion was adequately expressed. Feedback is appreciated.

Wedding aside, I was able to spend some much cherished time with Paul, Tim and Kendra, Mike and Ryan, at JJ's. Man, it was so completely refreshing to spend just that short while together with all of you. A person couldn't ask for better friends or more laughs or good times. Thank you.

Being able to spend a short while at the Blauss' home was nice and brought back some fond memories, as well; too bad there wasn't time for a game of Risk, although we couldn't have played without Nathaniel there to share it with. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Blauss, for letting Paul and I drop by unannounced like that. It was great to see you both looking so well!!

And Angela, thanks for the haircut!! I'll wait as long as I can to get my hair styled by you again. I really appreciate the work you do and our growing relationship., it's a lot of fun!

My trip was so packed with activities and emotions, and so sleep deprived that I truly apologize if I missed mentioning someone's name. All around it was really nice to see so many people, but as I begin to reflect upon the experience, I wonder if I was able to enjoy it as much as I could have. Especially since it ended with me rushing out the door worried about the traffic heading in to Boston, as I changed my entire flight schedule at the last minute when I discovered that my first flight was delayed, which would have led me to arriving in Anchorage later than previously planned, throwing off plans for a work meeting the next morning. Thank you very much to Squirty and Craig for the rides to and from Logan. And Happy One Year Anniversary! It is great to see you both so happy and the love that you have for each other.

Currently flying over South Dakota. Feeling a little more "normal" after typing all of this and getting a few of the many emotions I was feeling off of my shoulders. There are several other thoughts and experiences that are weighing on my mind. A couple that will never be read by any of you, and a couple that will. I wonder what would happen if I had the audacity to post it all...? There would be some shocking material in there for some of you, I think.

What trip. I hope Alyssa and Tim are thoroughly enjoying their honeymoon in the Grand Caymans!

Wedding Rehearsal and Dinner:

Hair and Makeup at John Russell Studio:

Temperature update: 50 degrees and cloudy in Anchorage. 81 degrees and sunny in Whitman.
Whitman trivia: Whitman was originally settled as the "Little Comfort" section of Bridgewater.
Emails to return: 25
Phone calls to return: 5


Wedding Words:

So, Alyssa called me up a month or so ago and proposed a question to me that I never expected, as I thought she was a little bit smarter than this...and I still don't know what the heck she was thinking. She asked me to speak at her and Tim's wedding reception. My first reaction was laughter, and I laughed hard. I could not believe that she would take such a gamble on the happiest day of her life. What in God's good name was she thinking??

Let me give you a little background as to my reaction to her question.

Growing up the three of us sisters, Marianne, Alyssa and myself, did not get along that great. We felt the need to make each other as miserable as possible, if for no other reason than we did not have much else to do, seeing that we were not allowed videogames, did not have a decent cable tv package, and were locked outdoors during the summer months, fending for ourselves during the innocent and glorious days of childhood spent in the quaint little town of Whitman. You know, those good ole days when parents used to tell their children to stay outside and not to come home until the streetlights came on.

I won't detail every torture I put Alyssa through, but there are several anecdotes that I would like to touch upon, beginning with my parents being forced to move me out of the bedroom that Alyssa and I shared whenI was 5 and Alyssa was 3, because I would keep her up all night talking and tormenting her because I couldn't get to sleep. So I got moved to the spare bedroom...allowing Alyssa to have nights full of blissful slumber and allowing myself nights full of making new friends with inanimate objects. Glorious.

And then one time I thought itw as a good idea to play hairdresser...my Mother was out of town visiting a friend in Maine, so being in the care of my Father I apparently thought it was a good idea, considering I had a lot of freedom, to get away with more than my typical daily torture sessions. So, beginning with Alyssa's long blonde hair, I was able to give her her first set of bangs and short little bob...not to mention my own.

When Alyssa got old enough to fend for herself, she exploited the bad habit I had of biting my fingernails. She has always been the blonde little Barbi doll of the family, and that meant that she always had all of her fingernails. That was her only defense to my brute strength that would bully her and Marianne when they would gang up on me. Let me tell you, once Alyssa latched on to my skin there was no telling when she would let go. And when eventually her talons did release, there was blood. I still have a couple of scars somewhere underneath this awful fake tan somewhere...

Then there was the time that Alyssa got brought home by the cops. She was out drinking with a friend of hers at the time, indulging in copious amounts of adult beverages...at age 19...thinking the entire time that he friend was being true to his designated driver status. That, howevver, was not the case. The pair were pulled over in Whitman center and consequently Alyssa was escorted by the Whitman Police to our home early that morning. I continue to thank her for that, for the next day I decided was a good tim for me to tell my Mom about my new belly button ring...she was too frazzled by Alyssa, her golden child, to care much about a simple piercing that her eldest daughter had brought home.

Fast forward to our college careers and our relationship was slowly eeking closer. I actually visited Alyssa at neighboring Southern New Hampshire University, just under an hour away from Franklin Pierce. I got to know a few of her new friends and while Alyssa and I seemed to be a little awkward at first around each other, as we were feeling out the direction of our new relationship, I think it felt as good for her as it did for me. Finally, we were on the cusp of our sisterhood becoming a friendship.

Around the same time we were forging through this new territory, Alyssa began dating this guy Tim. I don't recall too much of when I first met Tim or what my first impression of him was, but honestly I don't think it matters much right now, especially because that man that Alyssa grew to Love is here with us tonight..

So throughout our college experiences the relationship that Alyssa and I have has grown to a full-blown friendship. We would do anything for each other, and I know Marianne is an important ingredient in our family recipe, as well. If nothing else, the three of us have each other.

Like the time just last year when I was on one of my nice little visits to Alyssa and Tim's apartment in Manchester...there was of course a little bit of drinking involved at one of their friends' homes and at the end of the night I was crashing on Alyssa and Tim's couch. Why I couldn't have just taken the extra effort to open up the sleeper sofa, I'll never know, but thank goodness Tim likes me...I think. What was supposed to be a one night's stay turned into three of four days. When I awoke that next morning  I couldn't move and was in excruciating pain should I try to move my head in any direction. I had slept the entire night in the exact same position, with my head awkwardly angled on the edge of the couch arm rest, with no pillow. After several phone calls to the doctors, two trips to the pharmacy and one trip to the Elliott Hospital Emergency Room, I was on my way to recovery from a neck sprain. Alyssa and Tim were stuck with me sleeping on their pullout couch unmoving and drugged up while they went to work. Their patience and hospitality are unmatched! They took great care of me those few days...and they had a few laughs in the process...

How humbling to go from being kicked out of our bedroom at 5 years old, to being confined to Alyssa and Tim's apartment at age 16. Karma's a bitch.

So here we all are today on this day of celebration. Two long engagement years in the making.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about what a wedding is really all about. What it stands for. Why we are all here. Why all the hoopla, planning, money, effort, stress, etc, for just one, single day.

This is my conclusion:

Each one of you, by being here in this room today, testify that you believe in True Love. That you believe in this couple's True Love.

Alyssa and Tim. Look around this room. The 146 people you see before you are your closest and most true members of your family and friends.

We are all one family right now - one family. These people are all here because they believe in you, Alyssa. And in you, Tim. Your relationship. Your Love. These people will share in your long journey together of joys and happiness, and will support you and be there for you during times of hardship.

True Love.

Now, what is a wedding toast without a couple of quotes? ...from the movie "The Princess Bride". 

Westly, the hero states: "Hear this now: I will always come for you"
The Princess Buttercup says: "But how can you be sure?"
Westly: "This is true love - you think this happens every day?"

A wedding is a celebration and bears symbols of True Love. The vows, exchanging of rings, the union of two families, and the union of two souls. In this world Love is often brushed aside, undervalued and forgotten.

"Someone you love, and would do anything for, and someone who loves you and would do anything for you. And in that love, nothing is required for either person, because everything is already given. You love them more than anything in the world and could not live without them".

That is the definition of "Soul Lovers". That is what Alyssa and Tim are. ANd to have every one of you all here today, in support of Alyssa and Tim's True Love for one another is a very, big, deal. June 7, 2008 is not just an excuse to party, an excuse to raise your glasses, a reason to acknowledge how much fun and how comforting it is to be around close family and friends.

Today is Tim and Alyssa's day. Their special day to celebrate and infinitely express their Love for one another. Their souls are connected through their True Love, the greatest and strongest of emotions.

When this night is complete, the wedding celebration finished, and their honeymoon is over...that is not the end. Their "end" does not exist. Tonight, every time one of the 146 people in this room smile, it is for Alyssa and Tim. Because they, and their True Love, lives on in our smiles.

So, if you would all please raise your glasses, and your smiles: to Alyssa and Tim and today's celebration of their True Love.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

By the way!!!

At KTUU we now have a photographers blog!! Take a Moment is back!!  Go here to read the first posting, by Scott Jensen. I'll have a post up there my the end of the day tomorrow. This is something I'm really excited about - we should have some really great content going up there a couple of times a week. Check back often!!

An uncharacteristic 16 days later...

...I sit in the Portland, Oregon airport. My third time zone of the day...just one more to go. 

I spent the past several days in Louisville, Kentucky at the NPPA Convergence. What a great way to spend a weekend!!

The weeks leading up to this trip were hectic mostly, hence my lack of posting. I'm not impressed with myself. I have words to mention of camping, motorcycle riding, sunsets and new social networks. I have no idea when I'll be getting around to updating everyone about all of that. Especially since at the moment I am only about mid-journey through another hectic week or two. 

Tuesday evening I fly home for Alyssa and Tim's wedding. 06-07-08. I cannot believe that my little sister will soon have a new life of her own. One that includes a new family,  a new last name, a new identity. There is so much to do and to feel of this magnificent occasion and I'm sure I'm not the only one who will breathe a sigh of relief once the festivities prove underway next Saturday.

To go into it a little more in-depth, my life recently has been filled with work, freelancing, working on a special DVD project with a very good friend, two new slow-pitch competitive softball teams and preparations for my two trips. I'll be arriving in Anchorage tonight, at about 12:40am Alaska time. That leaves me with just over a day and a half to finish getting my affairs in order for the wedding. I was supposed to arrive in ANC at 7:30p, but due to a delayed plane my plans were unfortunately changed. I'm sure work tomorrow will be a long and tiring day. However, will end well because I have plans to be seeing the new Indiana Jones movie...

Time to board my flight!

Temperature update: 53 degrees and cloudy in Portland, OR, sunset at 8:53pm; 58 degrees and sunny in Anchorage, sunset at 11:24pm.

Alaska trivia: Most of America's salmon, halibut, and herring come from Alaska.