"We cannot make good news out of bad practice".
~Edward R. Murrow

Sunday, June 1, 2008

An uncharacteristic 16 days later...

...I sit in the Portland, Oregon airport. My third time zone of the day...just one more to go. 

I spent the past several days in Louisville, Kentucky at the NPPA Convergence. What a great way to spend a weekend!!

The weeks leading up to this trip were hectic mostly, hence my lack of posting. I'm not impressed with myself. I have words to mention of camping, motorcycle riding, sunsets and new social networks. I have no idea when I'll be getting around to updating everyone about all of that. Especially since at the moment I am only about mid-journey through another hectic week or two. 

Tuesday evening I fly home for Alyssa and Tim's wedding. 06-07-08. I cannot believe that my little sister will soon have a new life of her own. One that includes a new family,  a new last name, a new identity. There is so much to do and to feel of this magnificent occasion and I'm sure I'm not the only one who will breathe a sigh of relief once the festivities prove underway next Saturday.

To go into it a little more in-depth, my life recently has been filled with work, freelancing, working on a special DVD project with a very good friend, two new slow-pitch competitive softball teams and preparations for my two trips. I'll be arriving in Anchorage tonight, at about 12:40am Alaska time. That leaves me with just over a day and a half to finish getting my affairs in order for the wedding. I was supposed to arrive in ANC at 7:30p, but due to a delayed plane my plans were unfortunately changed. I'm sure work tomorrow will be a long and tiring day. However, will end well because I have plans to be seeing the new Indiana Jones movie...

Time to board my flight!

Temperature update: 53 degrees and cloudy in Portland, OR, sunset at 8:53pm; 58 degrees and sunny in Anchorage, sunset at 11:24pm.

Alaska trivia: Most of America's salmon, halibut, and herring come from Alaska.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I am so glad you had the chance to update the blog! I can't wait til you are home and we can talk about all your experiences! I am most looking forward to the time you, your sisters and myself will have together before the wedding............"family girl time"! I really need for us to have these yearly family times......remember Disney last year? That was the best. CAN"T WAIT SEE YOU AND HUG YOU!!!! Love,