"We cannot make good news out of bad practice".
~Edward R. Murrow

Monday, December 29, 2008

almost over

As Christmas festivities recede and New Year's Eve approaches, I pause to think about the past year that I have experienced.

Who doesn't do that?

I must say that the year is ending for me far different than it began. I begin 2008 living at home with my parents, freelancing out of my tiny little office editing weddings and working at getting into a production house.

2008 ends with me living with my cat in Anchorage, Alaska working as a photographer at a nationally recognized and award-winning television station. Location is different, jobs are different, relationships with friends and family back home are different, boyfriends are different...my world is different. 

Things that are the same: my car; my cat; my Love for my friends and family back home, and their love back.

In all, 2008 is ending on a high note. As difficult and challenging on so many levels and at so many times this year has been, I am greatly appreciative for my experiences and where the path of life has taken me. The people of Alaska have helped me to feel "at home". My friends in Alaska, though few, are great people and I feel lucky to know such dedicated and caring folk. I hope I am returning the favor, day in and day out.

I don't see myself moving out of Alaska anytime soon. Depending on career moves and personal choices, perhaps in five years or so the time will come. Until then, I look forward to Alyssa and Tim, Squirty and Mr. Simard visiting in July. And my parents coming together next year, as well. Next fall New England will look elegant beyond description. My hopes are to be there to see it with my eyes once again...with any luck, there will be two sets of eyes...

I have been gathering digital copies of my work from the past ten months. Here are several of the stories I have been lucky enough to be a part of. None of them are that great on my part. My shooting still has a very long way to go. I'm exhibiting these here just to give you all a taste (hopefully) of how my work has slowly progressed to where it is now. Overall I think my editing has improved more than my photography. Many goals for the 'morrow. 

I plan (and will follow through on this one) to more frequently post the stories I work on.  I have finally purchased a portable hard drive and have been saving digital files of my work to save for future uses. 

I would like to thank every subject who took part in these stories. If it weren't for you and your issues, concerns, criticisms and joys, there would be no story. 



"Veterans Memorial vandalized" - reporter Sean Doogan - copyright KTUU-TV 2008
"Portage bears migrate" copyright KTUU-TV 2008
"Every little bit helps" copyright KTUU-TV 2008

"Alaska tags and titles" - reporter Megan Baldino - copyright KTUU-TV 2008
"Tobacco numbers" - reporter Lori Tipton - copyright KTUU-TV 2008
"Baby friendly hospital" - reporter Lori Tipton - copyright KTUU-TV 2008
"Alvira Downey in Kotzebue" - reporter Rhonda McBride - copyright KTUU-TV 2008
"World Aids Day" - reporter Lori Tipton - copyright KTUU-TV 2008

"We're in new territory here" - reporter Jason Lamb - copyright KTUU-TV 2008

I wish you all the best and most safe and happy New Year. Here's to 2009 and the surprises and challenges it may bring.

Temperature update:  -9 degrees in Anchorage, Alaska.  30 degrees in Whitman, MA.
Sunrise/sunset update: 10:14a/3:51p in Anchorage.  7:12a/4:21p in Whitman.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Decorations

I received a couple of Christmas packages from my parents last week, and in the packages were some decorations and a nice little Christmas tree! 

Thank you Mom & Dad!!  

Temperature update: 24 degrees and snowing in Anchorage; 55 degrees and partly cloudy in Whitman.
Sunrise/Sunset update: Anchorage - 10:03a/3:42p; Whitman - 7:02a/4:12p

Monday, December 8, 2008

I feel a void. 

I'm not sure what it is.

From my observations thus far, it is the absence of my friends. The people who truly know me of my past. I feel that whenever I may see them again, I will not be the same person. 

Most likely because that is true. 

But what is that to say of the new people that I meet here? And the new "friends" that I become 'acquainted' with?

Many of them are great people; great professionals that I admire and am honored to share life with.  But the face value that we all place on each other are the actions that we create and sustain during our shared time here in this vast place. We do not know truthfully know each others' past, nor of what truly makes each of us who we are today.

This leads to much judgement and skepticism.

What leads us to better things is open-mindedness and care. An emotional and genuine care for each other's well-being, for we are in a land, in which I feel, bound by the unknown.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Energy Lessons from Juneau

One of the two stories that Lori and I worked on while we were in Juneau a couple of weeks ago.

"What are you doing to conserve?"

copyright KTUU-TV

Thursday, November 27, 2008

2 Your Health Tuesdays...

...with Lori J. Tipton and yours sincerely.

Hope you all enjoy...

copyright KTUU-TV

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sweeps II

In a continuation of my "Sweeps" post the other day, here is another story I have recently been a part of.

This was shot while I was in Southeast Alaska a couple of weeks ago. The story is about Juneau residents turning to wood to heat their homes during a time of expensive traditional forms of heat. There are a couple of hitches with using wood, though...

Lori Tipton is the reporter.

copyright KTUU-TV


This other story I was the editor for. Lori Tipton is the reporter and Zac Gooch is the photographer. This story is about Mat-Su Valley residents turning to coal as an alternate source of heat this winter.

copyright KTUU-TV


This last story is a natpack I produced over the summer for one of our franchise pieces called "Day Trippin'". I stumbled across it the other day and thought it might be a good share. I titled it "A Recreational Asset". 

copyright KTUU-TV


Temperature update: 23 degrees and light snow in Anchorage. 41 degrees and cloudy in Whitman.
Sunrise/set update: 9:36a/4:00p in Anchorage. 6:47a/4:15p in Whitman.

Monday, November 24, 2008

"Gobblegate"??? Come ON...

Yes. The sarcasm in the title of this post speaks directly to my opinion about to be posted.

For those of you who do not know:


The controversy surrounding this video and the individuals involved is RIDICULOUS and BULL SHIT.


The better and more controversial topics of discussion I have been advised NOT to write about. 

I am muted.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Sweeps is television's rating period. It is a 30-or-so day period where the advertising rates are established based upon viewership. The more viewers a station has, the more it can potentially charge their advertisers.

This month has been a sweeps period. It's almost over now, but I wanted to share with you a couple of the stories that I have been the photographer for. 

For Sweeps stories, the news management allows the reporters and photographers an extended amount of time to work on the story, very rarely having a same day turn. Depending on how wisely the reporter and photographer plan out their shoots and time management, the pieces can turn out pretty well.

These two stories I shot were with Reporter Lori Tipton in the town of Ketchikan, Alaska. Ketchikan is located in Southeast Alaska. 


"Knik Arm Ferry Construction"

copyright KTUU-TV


"Nothing to Nowhere"
copyright KTUU-TV


I like the second story better than the first. These were not my best shot stories ever, but they were fun nonetheless.  I wish we had more time to commit to both stories but they were just so rushed because of daylight and the timeframe we had there.

I plan to be better at posting the stories that I shoot more often, especially now that I am committing myself to getting the digital files of the stories onto a hard drive.  I've been putting everything to tape up to this point. And when I get time, I plan to get the stories that I have on tape, to a hard drive as well.

Friday, November 14, 2008

And a last few...


From my time visiting in New Hampshire (in September) with Karrie and Adam, and their cute-as-a-button daughter, Parker!!

Sisterly Loving

I didn't realize that I hadn't posted these pictures until I was going through my album and thinking about the remarkable nine months that I have had.


I love Alyssa's hair in this photo:

Home to Shadows

Finally Home.

This feels really good. I am still very tired and recovering from the six week trip to Washington D.C. to cover U.S. Alaska Senator Ted Stevens' corruption trial. But the hangover won't last for long and I will be back to my usual routine.

The shadows are long here now. The sun has visibly dipped lower on the horizon as it makes it's daily path across the sky. Soon enough we'll have just about four hours of sunlight. It makes for a cozy faeeling in my apartment. I have candles burning and it feels like it is time for the holidays. I don't know why. It's just the feeling given by the low light. I really like it.

I returned to Alaska three Wednesdays ago and have finally caught up on the miscellaneous things in life such as laundry, cleaning, bills, etc. The groceries are not up to speed, but when have they ever in my life?


I feel more seasoned now that I have had a little bit of time to reflect on my D.C. trip. I feel a little more confident in my abilities and of what I am capable of.  I know that I still have much to learn and even more to experience before I feel comfortably seasoned. Every day I am gaining more belief in myself and my capabilities. 

Working from the 3rd Street sidewalk everyday gave me an education. I learned how the network photographers operate. What is expected of them and their approach to the work day. I met some really interesting and fascinating characters. Dan, Rick, John, Jocco, Hank, Chris, Christian, Dave and countless others.

Working from NBC Newschannel every day was somewhat stressful at times. Entering into a new workplace with no sense of the workflow or understanding of the operations, and not having any of it explained to you when asked, was frustrating. The looks of "wow, you're stupid" were numerous at times and stressful. Poor communications in an industry meant to communicate to the public; go figure. Overall there were some really nice people there who were great to work with. Mike, Julie, Ray, Bob, Chris. Professionals who know how to get their shit done, quickly, and with a generally positive attitude. Very cool.


While I was in D.C., there was time for me to make a trip home:

I was fortunate enough to be able to surprise my parents with my arrival. Thank you to Marianne for coordinating my pick up and drop off with the train station and airport. I kept my trip pretty low profile so that I wouldn't feel stressed or more tired than necessary running around to see so many people. I spent time with my parents, Marianne and Craig, the Millie's crew (of course), Paul, Mike, Tom, Jenna, Kate and Suzy, Tracy, Sean, Ryan, et al. 

Also while I was in D.C., I was able to have lunch with my cousin, Lisa. That is the first time I have met up with her outside of the South Shore (I believe...).  We went out for a casual supper and had a really nice time together. I wish I brought my camera to take pictures of the two of us. The last time I saw her was at Alyssa's wedding, and before that, yeesh, who knows... Often we'll go years without seeing each other. At any rate, it was great to see her again.

One of the last weekends I was in Washington I met up with Jay and Emily. They live in Raleigh, NC, so we met halfway between: Richmond, VA. We spent the whole day together just moseying around the city and taking lunch. It was really nice to see them again, as it had been just about a year since our last encounter. We always have a nice visit and there is always something to talk about - especially with the Red Sox being in the postseason at the time of our get together.


Here are some of the pictures that I took when I had some time off during D.C. This was mostly on the weekends, because my reporter and I were working, on average, 15 hour days.

Overall my D.C. experience is one that I am grateful for. However by week four, I was well on my way to being ready to head home. I think it was really important for me to have these experiences among the network folks and of working on assignment for so long. I learned much, and that is what is most important to me...oh yah, and making slot.


Now that I am done traveling for awhile (to the best of my knowledge), I can focus more closely on life here. This includes keeping correspondence with people back home, developing relationships with friends and co-workers, spending time with my boyfriend and seeing where our relationship heads, and of course, the never-ending journey of honing my skills as a photojournalist.

Temperature update: 27 degrees and cloudy in Anchorage. 59 degrees and cloudy in Whitman.

Sunrise/set update: Anchorage - 9:08a/4:20p ... Whitman - 6:34a/4:22p

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Long enough!!

I started my first blog, since returning to Alaska, two Thursday's ago sometime...

Since my attempt two Thursdays ago, and with still no "real" new post I have been traveling in Southeast Alaska for more work.  

The post that I started two weeks ago has pictures and anecdotes, I swear. At the time present, i don't know when I'll get to finish it. Hopefully this weekend sometime. I have a three day weekend coming up for me, since I've worked 12 days straight, after coming back from a 6-week assignment in D.C. 

Because my Mom sounds disappointed/concerned, I've decided to put up this little blurb of mine to let the world know that, yes, I am gratefully alive and as well as can be. Suzy, I got your message, thank you for the phone call! I'll call you this weekend. Jay, thank you for the text message! I owe you a phone call as well. [This list goes on quite in this fashion.]

I NEED some time off from work and feel my temper as being short and not quite myself since my leave for D.C. 

That's a long time for not feeling quite right. I'm hoping my three day weekend will suit me well. It will be good to have some alone time and to spend some quality time with a significant other. And to once again feel settled. 

Until I have time to write about my travels to the East Coast, here are just a couple of pictures of my time in Southeast. Not many, and nothing great. I am hoping that Lori (my friend and reporter whom I was with on the trip) will allow me to publish the pictures she took from our travels. She took a great deal a many pictures that I did not have time to.



Mendenhall Glacier:





Temperature update: 37 degrees and light rain in Juneau, AK. 48 degrees and light rain in Ketchikan, AK.  30 degrees and cloudy in Anchorage. 37 degrees and partly cloudy in Whitman, MA.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I miss Alaska.

I have been living and working in Washington D.C. for 31 days now.

I am ready to go home...meaning, my current home: Anchorage.

In no particular order:

With, in all likelihood, another week at least of being here, I can't help but think of Louie, my fond feline friend...and how upset and lonely he must be. Luckily I have been fortunate enough to have kind friends who are willing to take care of him.

I also can't help but think of the few friends that I have been able to become close with since moving to Alaska: Lori and Leyla in particular.

I also can't help but hope that all my bills are still current and paid for (fingers crossed!!!).

I also can't help but miss having my own home routine and my belongings that help to remind me of who I am and where I came from.

I also can't help but miss my co-workers. Many who make me laugh and who I relish seeing day in and day out. Many talented and many opinionated.

I also can't help but miss the scenery. The beautiful Chugach Mountains that are literally on Anchorage's doorstep. Driving south, down the Seward Highway. One of the most beautiful and most scenic highways on the continent. Driving north, on the Glen Highway. Delving closer towards the aforementioned mountains, to the heart of Alaska suburbia and tell-tale life.

I miss my ["new"] life.


Since I have been in Washington, I have been able to see friends and family that I would not have been able to see for months or years to come, otherwise. Suzy, Paul & Jenna, Mike, Tom, Jan, Mom, Dad, Marianne & Craig, and several others.

I have pictures that I will soon enough post online and will have here on my blog. Pictures of the Newseum, the Air and Space Museum, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial and Mt. Vernon, George Washington's home. I will not have those up here until I return home. At last posting I thought that I might be able to get them up beforehand, but to no avail. 

I don't really feel like getting into it right now, but I truly and sincerely enjoy and appreciate my time here in Washington D.C. The education that I have received since I have been here completely justifies my decision to take this assignment. My time on 3rd St has yielded new opportunities and an eye-opening view of television news from the perspective of a photographer. 

Since I have been here, I have decided that I am completely in-touch with where I am at with my career. And that I truly enjoy working in local news...for now. And ya know, perhaps forever. 

Being a photographer and storyteller every day in a market like Anchorage is my heaven.

For now.


Temperature update: 35 degrees and sunny with clouds in Anchorage. Sunrise: 8:54p, sunset: 6:37p. In Washington D.C.: 50 degrees and partly cloudy (nighttime). Sunrise: 7:22a, sunset: 625p.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I'm yet again disappointed in myself. Here it is, just about a month since my last posting.

And I thought I was starting to get on a good roll with this thing. Apparently I was wrong...

Let's see, since my last posting, I've been to Vermont for Kristy and Justin's wedding - pictures to come soon!! - and while I was home I was able to hang out with Alyssa, Tim and Marianne. We had a really nice time together. The trip was short - just a couple of days, with of course one full day to get there, and one full day to return to Alaska.

Once I was back in Alaska I had a rushed nine days to prepare for my current trip. I also snuck in a nice quiet trip to the Kenai/Seward area. It was beautiful and serene (even though it was raining) - such a truly fabulous trip.

Currently I am in Washington D.C. to cover Alaska's U.S. Senator Ted Stevens' federal trial regarding his falsely recorded Senate financial disclosure forms...7 years in a row.  

I have been here with a reporter for two weeks now covering this story and will, in all likelihood, be here for another two to three weeks. 

Hence my lack of posting. 

I have TONS of photos from Kristy and Justin's wedding to get up here on my blog, but won't be able to do that until I get back to Anchorage.  

Since I've been in Washington I've been able to take a couple of "touristy" photos, which maybe hopefully soon I'll get posted here....

That's my little spit for now - hope you all are enjoying a beautiful and colorful New England autumn!! My favorite time of year!  ...I'm just being told now that Anchorage woke up to a frost this morning!!

Also - many Congratulations go out to Deanna and Josh who are getting married this weekend!!!!!!


Temperature update: 32 degrees in Anchorage; sunrise: 8:08a, sunset: 7:29p. Snow showers are predicted for later this weekend!  68 degrees and mostly cloudy in Washington D.C.; sunrise 7:05a, sunset: 6:50p.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


When I flew in to Boston I had a couple of "housecleaning" things to take care of before hopping on a bus to continue my travels to Vermont...

Here are several of the pictures that I took during my wanderings through Downtown Crossing and to South Station. 

It was a beautiful day and the city looked truly vibrant and especially green since all of the landscaping that has been done in lieu of the ugly expressway that lived there for so long.

Temperature update: 51 degrees and rainy in Anchorage. This is the first time since May that I have had all of the windows in my apartment closed at the same time.

Happy Birthday Suzy!!!

Happy Birthday


Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Jo is officially an Alaskan!! Took me six months, but my car finally passed the state IM and is now proudly wearing Alaska license plates...
Many thanks to Tim for helping to guide me through my car mishaps, which after the ease of this morning, make me wonder if anyone should ever go to "Emission Test Center' in Anchorage. They gave me some real bullsh*t reasons why my car wasn't passing the inspection. For instance, the last time I went there the tech told me that my car passed the IM, but could not issue me a sticker because the motor in my car was not the original motor...according to the vin# search that Tim made, it is the original motor... This IM sticker is a headache of mine that is finally no more!   :)

Just one more indicator that I am slowly becoming an Alaskan...although I doubt I will ever truly be one as after being back in New England this past weekend, I know where my heart lies.

Some photos and stories of my time in Boston, New Hampshire and Vermont in a post coming to you!

Temperature update: 52 degrees and rainy in Anchorage. Sunrise: 7:16a; sunset: 8:35p

Monday, September 8, 2008

oh boy!

Cell phone is back and active! Same number!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I would like to thank the regular contributers of the comments that I receive on my blog. I know that I hardly ever respond, in comment or post - but your responses to what i have to write and my goings-on in a new world here are GREATLY appreciated. 

So, Thank You.




Et al.

Cell phone who?

...and for those few of you who have been trying to reach me via cell phone - my personal cell has been defunct for about...oh, I dunno, almost two weeks now...I'm working on reviving it with the same Boston numbah while I'm back home in the next coupla days - but who knows what's going to happen...

So, if I haven't gotten back to you: Mom, Dad, Alyssa, Tim, Suzy, Kristy, Jay, Jeff, Jeff C, and a WHOLE BUNCH OF OTHERS....well, that's why...I'm hoping for the best that Verizon can give me while I'm back in good ole New England...   [[there is no Verizon here in Alaska]]


Monday, September 1, 2008

Some new adventures

...mostly pictures....which might be a good thing - then you all don't have to read my ramblings...


Ah, yes, a Nederbrock...not to be confused with a Heffalump... Many thanks to Mike for inviting me to an out-of-office gathering. Had a lot of fun!! And it just so happened that I really needed it that night...
*photo credit Nick Swann


The Arctic Valley
*photo credit: Leyla Santiago
I was having a rough emotional night one evening recently and luckily Leyla, my friend and plant/flower guru and amazing person, was able to accompany me on a trip to Arctic Valley to watch the sunset and indulge in a little girl talk...I know, something that isn't too typical of Carolyn...but, things are different now.

And lastly, here's a picture of a nice shot of the moon above the Chugach mountains - the view from my balcony here in Anchorage.


Temperature update: 53 degrees in Anchorage
Sunrise/set update: 6:55a/9:01p
Alaska trivia: The Alaska state bird is the Ptarmigan
Days til New England: 2

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Garage Sale!!

Garage sales with Leyla. Good times!  This is something that we've been talking about doing together for quite awhile now, and finally we both were available to hit them up!  It's been tough finding a common time because I've been away and sick and Leyla works the weekends at the station. 
Leyla is really shit-hot. She has a wicked bubbly personality and is a lot of fun to hang around with. She's a really good reporter, too. Part of the reason I like working with her is because she's a team player and she thinks visually. 
Not too many photos here to post, but hopefully there'll be more in the future. We hit up three (or was it four?) different garage sales. Leyla picked up a floor vase and a large freezer ziplock bag full of jewelry! Total cash paid: $9.00. I picked up a small cooler for me to pack beer in for my softball and flag football games. Total cash paid: $3.00.  It was a good day!

Leyla is also the gal who gave me this plant. I don't recall the name of it, but when she first gave it to me, there were no flowers and there wasn't too much growth coming from it...NOW look at it!!!
Temperature update: 60 degrees and SUNNY

Friday, August 15, 2008

Sorry, still no new pictures....Phil W.

I feel the need to be transcended.

I am home. Alone. 

It is a Friday evening and I am still not well enough to venture out or be social.

I feel restless. 


I know that Alaska has more than this to offer me, but for some reason I feel...I have the feeling, of old. 

I need something to invigorate me. I'm not used to having this much "time". Even when I know that I have things to do: weddings to edit, bills to pay, cleaning to do...I dunno. I feel listless, I guess.

I am glad to have this alone time. It causes me to ponder. 

I like that.

I must say that I am glad to say that I received a text from one of my co-workers inviting me to brunch on Sunday...I am very much looking forward to this, as we have not hung out much outside of work yet. Although I'm sure she will be ruthlessly firing personal accusations at me as to whom I may be dating...she is unhealthily obsessed, I swear!!

Flag football officially starts on Sunday. I doubt that I will be physically playing, as I am still sick and not feeling respirator-ally up for running for an hour or so straight... I'll be sure to bring my camera, though, so that I can have some new Alaska pictures for you all - especially for Phil!!

Temperature update: 58 degrees and cloudy in Anchorage with a sunset at 9:54p.

19 more days til I'm of the Eastward persuasion...wait, I always feel persuaded East...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


With being stuck at home pretty much straight for the past four days with a cold, I've had a lot of time to clean, edit, recoup and think. 

With all this "spare" time not being too busy, or as busy as I usually am, I've had time to think about home. And man, I'm homesick!! Nothing too terrible, but I'm just missing the winding roads, the accents, Whitman and Hanson, good friends, family. The list goes on.

If anyone has any pictures of the goings-on that I've been missing out on back home, would you mind emailing them to me?  [[carolyn.h.hall@gmail.com]]

I'm very much looking forward to the trip to Vermont for Kristy and Justin's wedding...which is fast approaching! And luckily I'll be able to visit with Alyssa and Tim for an evening as well. 

I got sent home from work yesterday morning, because of my cold...I go outside to start my car for the first time in about two weeks after being in Juneau and after being on call, and of course my car doesn't start....AGAIN. FOURTH time this has happened; FOURTH time it has been sent to the shop. Talked to the shop this morning and they said they need to keep it overnight because they can't seem to find out what's wrong with it and the owner will be able to look at it tomorrow. What the heck?? Never had so many problems with my Volvo back home!! 

That's about all I got for now. I'm thinking it's a good idea for me to get back to some of your emails that I've received over the past couple of months, but haven't gotten back to yet...I know, I'm a bad friend...but I'll get there eventually, I swear!!

Temperature update: 65 degrees and cloudy

Monday, August 11, 2008

Coupla pics

Here are a couple of pictures I promised. Not many, but here they are:


These first few are from a quick little story that myself and our Web guru did about a Hovercraft that was taking some test voyages out of the Port of Anchorage. Not great pictures, cuz it was quick trip. But hopefully you get the idea...


Angela Blanchard and I did a story a couple of weeks ago now for a series called "Day Trippin'". Basically the series focuses on summer activities that people can do within the Anchorage Bowl. 

This particular story was about ATV tours. The ATV trip took us out towards the Eklutna Glacier. We didn't go out as far as the glacier, but it was still a really cool experience. Winding trails, beautiful scenery, sand bars, rivers....wow. 

Neither of us had been on an ATV before, so that alone was interesting. What was even more interesting was me trying to shoot video with a 20 lb camera from behind Angela, who was driving the vehicle. Not my greatest stuff, that's for sure!!  

These pictures are the "after" pictures of the ATV trip. They don't do our filthiness justice!!!!


These last two pictures are the ONLY pictures I took the entire time I was in Juneau...I know, I know, I'm sorry!  I just wasn't thinking, "oh, I'm in Juneau, I should take some pictures cuz I've never been here before". I dunno, I just wasn't in the picture-taking mood I guess...too focused on work I suppose?? Not to mention the only time I was outside when I was there was when Angela and I were walking to/from the Capitol building...and occasionally when we had the time for lunch.


Temperature update: 57 degrees and mostly cloudy.

Alaska trivia: Anchorage's population in 1942 was 7,724, but with the war going on development was sparked and the population grew to 43,314 by 1945.

Health update: Sick. Can at least talk with a hoarse voice now, but still sick...