Jeff told me afterwards that as I reached the security line he was trying to get my attention by whistling to me...I wish I had heard him. I would have loved to have seen his face just one more time. Louie and I were the last ones on the plane.
It is currently Monday night, or your Tuesday morning at this point. In my three full days and one half day that I have officially been "living" in Alaska, and the unknown, I have witnessed: the inaugural "Running of the Reindeer"; foxes, wolves and wolverine skins hanging up for sale or to dry (not quite sure which); coworkers of mine perform some incredible, and in some cases not-that-great, karaoke; the live operations of AMP working their magic at an Alaska Aces semi-pro (or is it pro??) hockey game; referring back to the "Running of the Reindeer", seeing near-naked men in twenty degree Alaskan weather, English women wearing over-sized red hats and scarves, and red-suited men wearing long-johns and Santa suits, as well as many, many other characters who ventured out for the race. And to top it all off, for lunch today one of the reporters bought me Reindeer...I don't know what exactly to call it - all's I know is that it was Reindeer that I ate....and it was served in a sausage roll.
I'm pretty sure I can say that those are things that I never would have experienced in Massachusetts. Perhaps in Vermont (Kristy and Justin), but certainly not on the South Shore.
"Only in Alaska..."
So I thought this past weekend it would have been fairly easy for me to return at least several of the phone calls on the long list of people I've been unintentionally neglecting, however I was invited to several social and work-related engagements and felt I could not pass up the opportunities to get to know my new co-workers; who they are as people, in social situations, and of course, what they are like when they are in "work-mode". So far, so good...
It is going to take me at least a week I think to really get a good grasp of the schedule I need to keep up as far as being able to talk to all of you at decent hours of the night, or morning. Currently it's looking like so long as I wake up early enough I can make phone calls when you all are on your lunch breaks (hopefully). It's either that or I start phoning when I get home from work, typically around 6:30p Alaska time...or 10:30p EST. Take your pick I guess. I suppose that could be part of the reason why I started this blog - because the phone calls to and from home may be limited at times.
I hope I'm able to get in touch with all of you at some point soon. I look forward to it.
At the end of the posting here are some of the pictures I took of my apartment, as well as some other goodies.
It is currently Monday night, or your Tuesday morning at this point. In my three full days and one half day that I have officially been "living" in Alaska, and the unknown, I have witnessed: the inaugural "Running of the Reindeer"; foxes, wolves and wolverine skins hanging up for sale or to dry (not quite sure which); coworkers of mine perform some incredible, and in some cases not-that-great, karaoke; the live operations of AMP working their magic at an Alaska Aces semi-pro (or is it pro??) hockey game; referring back to the "Running of the Reindeer", seeing near-naked men in twenty degree Alaskan weather, English women wearing over-sized red hats and scarves, and red-suited men wearing long-johns and Santa suits, as well as many, many other characters who ventured out for the race. And to top it all off, for lunch today one of the reporters bought me Reindeer...I don't know what exactly to call it - all's I know is that it was Reindeer that I ate....and it was served in a sausage roll.
I'm pretty sure I can say that those are things that I never would have experienced in Massachusetts. Perhaps in Vermont (Kristy and Justin), but certainly not on the South Shore.
"Only in Alaska..."
So I thought this past weekend it would have been fairly easy for me to return at least several of the phone calls on the long list of people I've been unintentionally neglecting, however I was invited to several social and work-related engagements and felt I could not pass up the opportunities to get to know my new co-workers; who they are as people, in social situations, and of course, what they are like when they are in "work-mode". So far, so good...
It is going to take me at least a week I think to really get a good grasp of the schedule I need to keep up as far as being able to talk to all of you at decent hours of the night, or morning. Currently it's looking like so long as I wake up early enough I can make phone calls when you all are on your lunch breaks (hopefully). It's either that or I start phoning when I get home from work, typically around 6:30p Alaska time...or 10:30p EST. Take your pick I guess. I suppose that could be part of the reason why I started this blog - because the phone calls to and from home may be limited at times.
I hope I'm able to get in touch with all of you at some point soon. I look forward to it.
At the end of the posting here are some of the pictures I took of my apartment, as well as some other goodies.
Number of phone calls I need to return: 16
Number of emails I need to respond to: 14
Temperature update: 25 degrees F and cloudy in Anchorage
Alaska trivia: Nearly one-third of Alaska lies within the Arctic Circle